Is Your Content King? (Google Says It Should Be)

There is an entire industry centered around content creation. 

We receive numerous emails on a daily basis from content creators promising their content will bring us to the first page in a Google Search. Indeed, Google has always used content as a ranking factor and as they change and improve their algorithms content will continue to remain an important part of how you show up. Content writer Michael Preymoore says, “Google  loves up-to-date and relevant content. How does your contact stack up?” 


If you have a website, it’s likely you have spent a great deal of time and money to get it right. Having the most expensive website design and development, will not be beneficial if your not constantly updating fresh content to it. Google crawls thousands of websites each hour, and it knows if yours is not updated. When you add content to your website, you are providing useful information for the world to see. Google will check if there are any changes on your website, and updates the database accordingly.

Having relevant and new content on your website will provide value to your visitors.  When a website visitor finds an article or blog on your site, you enable them to make an informed decision about whether or not they will use your services. By keeping outdated information off your website through always adding fresh content you help establish your law firm as an expert in the local community.


It’s not enough just to overload your website with content.  Stuffing the right keywords into your content can even have an adverse effect if your content is not relevant.  By having relevant content, you are able to provide useful information to anyone who is searching for answers to their questions. Being relevant means that you are intentionally providing the right kind of information and leaving non-relevant content off of your site. By offering this information, you are enabling the web user to optimize the experience of their journey to finding a lawyer. How can you create content that is relevant that will engage your website user?  

Here are some questions that can assist you in creating content that is relevant.

Who Is Your Client?

Why Should They Hire You?

Why Would They Not Hire You?

Showcase Your Expertise?

How Have You Answered Their Needs?

Who Has Echoed Your Praises?

If you are looking to change the way you do content on your website, Contact Us!  We know what it takes to reach the right clients with the right content, and our Team of Content Copywriters are ready to cultivate the content capable of attracting and retaining new clientele.

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